

天龍村のお茶畑 Tenryu-mura tea gardens

We went to Tenryu-mura, Shimo-Ina-gun, Nagano-ken on Sun., May 20, 2012.


Recently, Aya, one of our member, recieved a request of  packaging design for the green tea made in Tenryu-mura village. It was the reqest from Mr.Miyazawa who remembered the Illustrated map which she drew several years ago.
And on this day, five of our members visited him to Tenryu-mura village.


It took about five hours drive from Tokyo. Tenryu-mura is a mountain village at the southernmost end of Nagano Prefecture, and contiguous to Aichi and Shizuoka prefecture.
Tenryuugawa river is flowing in the center of the village.




We visited our client Mr. Miyazawa at the tea factory. Soon, we were invited to the factory tour.

Here, the tea leaves carried in one after another by tea growers are processed by machine.

To our surprise, the fresh leaves become dried green tea within 4 or 5 hours after various processes such as steaming and rubbing.

摘んだ茶葉が入っているコンテナ /The gathered fresh tea leaves

Mr.Miyazawa served us a cup of green tea. What a fragrant!

打合せを進める友子/Tomoko gets on with the meeting



Unfortunately, Aya could not come with us this time, but instead, Tomoko took the lead and made arrangements with the client.

At this time of the year, tea picking reaches its peak. The factory is operating at full swing. So, we had our meeting just outside of the factory to save the time.

Listening to Mr.Miyazawa's requests to the packaging design, we begun to wonder if we could see one of the tea gardens on this occasion.


左の写真で、山の中腹に見えるのが 仲井侍(ナカイサムライ)という集落 。

Luckily we got Mr.Otokozawa, Mr.Miyazawa's coworker, to show a tea garden. We really thank him for taking time in his busy schedule!

In the photograph on the left, you can see a tea garden located half-way up the mountain side. This area is called NAKAI-SAMURAI.


There we saw a carpet of tea plants looks like sticking to the steep mountain and were amazed by the scenery.


We crossed to the opposite side and stood in the garden. I felt as though I was inhaled to the bottom of the valley.

斜面に石垣を積んでお茶を栽培しています。/Tea plants are grown on stone-lined stairs.


After a while, we went down to the valley. I guess it takes a lot of nerve to drive such a downward slope with pin curves. Thanks to Tomoko and Junichi, the drivers.

川のすぐ傍まで続く茶畑/The tea garden following right down to the river side






Although it was only a few hours stay, it gave me a small understanding of how the tea gardens in Tenry-mura are grown by its surrounding environment and people who live there.

Mr.miyazawa says,
"Our tea has been produced by hard working grandpas and grandmas of the village. And, we are committed to preserve our gardens and home by selling our tea.  I want to show our dignity to the people outside the village."

Whoa! That brings a sense of mission to the packaging design. But it's fun and challenging.
Aya, who is in charge of the packaging design, is going to visit the village in June.

And five of us decided to share ideas together and work with her. Though, I have no idea to share with at the moment.
We'll see how it goes.

To be continued later.  ( I hope. )

I hear that there are accesses from overseas to our homepage, and so I attached English translation for trial.